You must have known CPU-z, a windows application that lets you to find out Hardware information of your system. Now we have similar application named CPU-G with actually have same function and 'interface' that's run on ubuntu.
How to install CPU-G on Ubuntu

First before you install it, download CPU-z source installer (*.deb) here, wait until download process finish, go to CPU-G download directory then type following command in your terminal
    sudo dpkg -i cpu-g_0.9.0_i386.deb 
    sudo apt-get -f install 

change "cpu-g_0.9.0_i386.deb" with CPU-G file installer you have download.

How to run CPU-G on Ubuntu

How to install it is quiet simple, open your terminal or type ALT + F2. then type "cpu-g" there. The CPU-G should running on. [thanks to tahutek.net]

source http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/

Garuda Os

Indonesia original OS, sorry i brought the whole site here

How to customize the font and color of the panel clock in Ubuntu and Linux Mint Mate

If you are using the Mate edition of Linux Mint ( either 13 or 14), the default clock at the right corner will look like this
I will show you a small trick to change the font and color of this clock widget to make it look somehow like this:
The trick is pretty simple. First, you will need to get the Digital font. Just download it here then install it.

Next, create a file named .gtkrc-2.0 in the home folder and copy-paste the following lines into it:
 style "my-panel-clock"  
 fg[NORMAL] = "#272727"
 font_name = "DS-Digital Bold 12"  
 widget "*.clock-applet-button.*" style "my-panel-clock"  

After that, just hit Alt+F2 and run the following command to reset the bottom panel:
 pkill mate-panel  

Note: You can edit the font, size and the color code in the .gtkrc-2.0 file to meet your preference.

source: http://www.linuxandlife.com/

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